We prioritize customer support and find solutions to your indoor comfort needs. Our customers are taken care of by friendly certified technicians who maximize your furnace system’s functionality, Energy efficiency, and longevity. Hitech Central Air Inc. - Best Air Conditioning, Heating & HVAC company provides complete furnace repair & service at fast, friendly and affordable prices.
Dirty filters, closed off vents or furniture blocking return vents can all contribute to improper air flow. As a result the lack of air crossing through the heat ex-changer causes it to overheat making it more prone to cracking.
Your gas valve controls the flow of gas into your burners. If it’s allowing too much gas it can cause the same overheating condition as restricted air flow. Likewise if it’s allowing too little gas it increases run time and wears out the heat ex-changer faster.
This is most common in devices that have not been run (heat or cool) in a long time; they accumulate condensation in the heat exchanger, eventually rusting out the system.It is imperative that the heat ex-changer isn’t cracked in order for it to separate the burner gas from the circulation air. Mixing the two will create carbon monoxide.
Our team members have a lot of experience with all types of furnace systems, Including those that are decades old. We’ll do what we can to put even the oldest ones back in working order, and we can help you make the right decisions.