Steam Cleaning Services
We have over 8 plus years of combined knowledge, which allows us to maintain a highly trained courteous and professional staff. This staff of pros have the capability to troubleshoot, service and repair and steam cleaning of your air conditioning unit. We provide cleaning and servicing projects for entire buildings and developments. Please don't hesitate to call us for our special pricing
Steam Cleaning & System Check
- Air conditioning unit is taken to our shop.
- The Freon level is checked and recharged if needed this is to ensure maximum cooling.
- Drains are checked, cleared and replaced if needed.
- Units electrical wiring is checked and repaired as needed.
- We connect the air conditioner to our diagnostic board to ensure all is in proper working order and cooling as per design.
- Unit is then disassebled down to the base pan.
- Unit is cleaned with environmentally safe chemicals using our Steam Cleaning System.
- All motors in air conditioner are oiled.
- Rust inhibitor is applied to any found rust.
- Once dried we reassemble the air conditioning unit.
- Unit is again attached to our Diagnostic Board.
- We ensure the amperage is proper.
- A Final Pre-Delivery inspection is made to the air conditioner.
- Upon return we reinstall the unit the way it was prior to removal.